I tend to do my "Spring Cleaning" now - so Winter Cleaning, I guess. I want to be in the yard when it warms up and I always want to paint in January.
This year it is more than want to paint - I reallllly need to paint quite a few rooms. It's been a while and the white trim in the house is past due! There are no more miracles with a "miracle sponge" left for my kitchen cabinets either. I have two big hairy dogs and red Georgia clay - 'nuff said.
And if I'm being honest - I've had some of this paint since last Fall but it just didn't happen. Then putting out Christmas decorations and cleaning for the holidays and then taking them down made me know that it must be done!
I always have my Sherwin Williams fan deck floating around and I've got paint samples in my purse or the notebook I carry but they get lost and rumpled. I make paint swatches on index cards and they get dirty and rumpled in my purse or I forget the color name.... you get the idea.
Well, I am determined to paint my way through the house and be organized about it.

Blurry, I know. Sorry. It has rained for a week and the lighting is awful but I'm determined to post this today because I love it! I pulled out a random notebook ring I had, some jumbo craft sticks ( like popsicle sticks on steroids) a Sharpie and my Crop-a-Dile ( I've told you repeatedly to get one of these!!)
Then when they were dry I flipped the craft sticks over and used the Sharpie to write the name of the color, the Sherwin Williams number and what room the color is in! Very organized, if I do say so myself!
I went ahead and pre-punched several sticks so I am ready to paint my swatches
any time I paint.
Slide the craft sticks on the ring, close it up and drop it in your purse or tote bag when you head out to buy fabric, towels, accessories, etc. It doesn't weigh a thing and your whole decorating color scheme is right there on a ring all together.
I was just thinking that if you wanted to add fabric swatches to the ring that those little clear badge holders or bag tag holders from the office supply would work beautifully on the ring as well. Just slide a couple of those on the ring and put a sample of the fabric in it.
Very handy!
Linking up: