Monday, January 8, 2024

Thinking About "Ordinary"


It is Epiphany Sunday. I usually post* a picture of my big, vintage camel from an old store display but since Epiphany Sunday is sometimes called Three Kings Day I decided to share three thrifted wisemen. Whichever name you use for the day, Epiphany (officially yesterday) historically and by tradition, marks the end of the Christmas season. It is followed by what is known as ”ordinary time” in the church calendar. I’ve been thinking about the term ordinary a lot recently- really since late last fall. There have been so many posts recently on social media about New Years Resolutions and “word of the year” and grids of letters where the first four words you see are “your words” for the year. All good and positive things if you wish to participate but I have not done any of the above. My goal for 2024, after much thought about this, is to appreciate, enjoy, celebrate “ordinary” this year. We are bombarded by so many external stressors (the economy, politics, war, illness and more) that I just want to be glad, to be thankful when I get to do the ordinary. I know that could be different for each person but I want to find daily joy in some basic, ordinary, every day type of thing in each day - even if difficult things try to overshadow it. When did “ordinary” become a negative thing? I’m not going on the trip of a lifetime, doing major home renovations or anything over the top (that I know of!) to share on social media this year. But I am going to celebrate my every day ordinary because somewhere there is someone who would like to have “ordinary” happening in their lives and it isn’t. I hope you’ll join me in welcoming and celebrating “ordinary” this year.

*I originally posted these thoughts on Instagram but decided that I also wanted it to mark the beginning of the new year on the blog. 

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